Hot topics pressed by Realtors included opposition to the following bills:
AB 1574 (Houston), Allowing the use of private transfer taxes, which would in essence, add to the cost of owning a home and would encourage developers and private entities and others to impose these fees with no restrictions.
AB 239 (DeSaulnier), Authorizing the Contra Costa County and San Mateo County Boards of Supervisors to impose a document recording fee on all real estate recordings to generate funds for affordable housing. We're concerned the bill targets just one group to pay for affordable housing, and would basically create a tax and run counter to Proposition 13. It would ultimately add to the cost of buying a home and hurt the very people affordable housing policies seek to help.
SB 464 (Kuehl), This one forces landlords to stay in business for at least five years and requires them to give all tenants a one-year notice of termination of tenancy should ANY of their tenants be a senior or disabled. C.A.R. believes this bill is an attack on private property rights and an affront on business – landlords should not be told how long they should stay in business. The bill would also discourage investment in rental housing and could ultimately lead to landlords evicting tenants before putting their property on the market.
Senator Joe Simitian thanked us for meeting with him and addressing these issues. He noted, with 900,000 constituents in 13 cities and towns, “It’s tough to stay in touch. You make it easier for me to do it by coming to me and expressing your views. Is anyone listening and does it matter? The answer is yes and yes.”
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