Just when I think designers are running out of remodeling ideas, a new one pops up. This one is a sleeping closet, or snoring room, where the wide-awake spouse can retreat to blissful quiet when the decibel level gets too high. My sister keeps an extra bedroom handy (she admits to being the "offender" in her household) but these are much fancier versions.
According to 2007's "What's In, What's Out for Homebuyers" survey, snoring rooms are on the rise. These do not have to be new construction, although soundproofing and reconfiguring the floor plan may cost several thousand dollars. A contractor will usually adapt an existing space, such as an office or large closet into these quiet, peaceful havens.
Baby boomers need their rest!
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Were I blogging ( what fun ) I would continue with the excellent beginnings as outlined here "and" bring potential house-partners together for fun, financial gain, and other possible motives. How many people with time on their hands might enjoy meeting in groups to consider house buying partners and the "how-to's" of picking out properties that could be purchased by so called "teams" of two or more.
Kind of like an investment group with social implications.
I know from my little cave in the Los Gatos Mountains I would venture forth to consider the many profits of such adventure.
One thought among many submitted for your consideration.
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