First of all, when Mike Huckabee made a strong showing in Iowa yesterday, I realized that I needed to add his take on taxes and property to the mix. The tax plan Huckabee has proposed, called the "FAIR tax," would eliminate federal income and investment taxes and replace them with a 23 percent federal sales tax. The poor would pay no net sales tax up to the poverty level, and every household would receive a rebate equal to sales taxes paid on essential goods and services.
Getting back to the caucus system itself, I loved Anna Quindlen's analogy in the December 24 issue of Newsweek. She said " Every once in a while you see a Frankenstein monster of a house on a suburban street. The original structure might have a bumped-out second story too heavy for its foundation, an addition that looks tacked on, a sunroom around back meant for a different place entirely. And that's before you even get to the gazebo. From a common sense standpoint, the whole thing is a mess"
She goes on to say, "That's the equivalent of the American election system, at least if you add a couple of cars on cinder blocks in the side yard."..."The Iowa caucuses are like evening coffee klatsches with a serving of trigonometry."
If you'd like to read her Last Word column in full, it's a great take on our mixed up electoral system, and some possible solutions.
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