Very few things are more frustrating than listening to Musak while on hold for customer service. Even worse is a continuing message that tells us how important our call is to the company while we wait...and wait. I usually find myself answering back to these messages in a less than ladylike manner.
I picked up some hints on how to avoid these situations from Bob Sullivan, in his book Gotcha Capitalism: How Hidden Fees Rip You Off Every Day and What You Can Do About It. Bob Sullivan covers Internet scams and consumer fraud for MSNBC.com. He is the winner of multiple journalism awards for his coverage of online crime and is also the author of Your Evil Twin: Behind the Identity Theft Epidemic.
Start by checking the website gethuman.com for the secret code that will get you to a live representative more quickly. If you call during regular business hours, the best employees will be answering the phones. Another hint is to consider pressing the number for Spanish. You will probably connect with a bilingual operator much quicker than waiting for an English-only one.
It might also be quicker to try the sales office instead. Ask if the rep has the authority to solve your problem. If not, ask to be switched to a supervisor who does.
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