Earlier this week, I met Karen Negrete, whose company name is "Transform Your Home," at our local Starbucks. We hit it off right away, and she showed me before and after pictures of her work.
For a nominal consulting fee, or as part of a staging contract before a home is listed, she will give early-stage advice on which furniture to stow and which to keep around. She also provides guidance on simple aesthetic choices ranging from which rooms to paint (or not), finishes, and quick fixes that make a big difference like painting wood trim, switching light fixtures, swapping drawer handles on kitchen cabinets and furniture placement.
Regardless of what’s going on inside the home, I also tell clients not to forget that curb appeal is a crucial ingredient in marketing. A few months can make a difference to Mother Nature. Sellers should augment unhealthy lawns by weeding or re-seeding, prune plants, weed, and consider using mulch to create a uniform look in garden beds or a border along the house or sidewalk. Even a newly potted plant at the front door does wonders.
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