Hundred degree weather today, and the fire departments are watching tinder-dry forests. It seems strange to be in a drought area when the Midwest is flooding. With our local reserves low, it's hard to balance curb appeal with water shortages, but it can be done.
Ground covers that look good all year are one good solution. Consider creeping thyme, and low-growing yarrow and sedums. For a nice textural zen look, think about pebbles, like pea gravel, decomposed granite, or colored rocks such as Arizona river rock. You can accent this with large boulders...but be careful. If you cover a yard completely with rocks, it can reflect too much heat, especially if the pebbles are white. Pave with hardscape, such as brick. Since brick is porous, water runs through it and into reserves, rather than running off.
Some plants require a little water to get established, but once they are matured they can remain dry. Remember to mulch to preserve water around plant roots.
For more tips, check out www.xeriscape.com.
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