I was so impressed by Hank Bailey's simple, yet important, comments on real estate myths, that I will respond to his second myth: 'Minor repairs can wait until later. There are more important things to be done.'
He states: " Minor repairs make your house more marketable, allowing you to maximize your return (or minimize loss) on the sale. Most buyers are looking for homes that are ready for them to move into. If your home happens to attract a buyer who is willing to make repairs, he/she will begin asking for repair allowances that come out of your asking price. The amount of an allowance that you have to offer a buyer is usually more than what it would cost for you to make the repair (or hire someone to make the repair). Remember, buyers are comparing your home to other homes that are currently on the market. Your home should be inviting so that everyone who looks at it can see themselves living there."
Because this is such a necessary part of selling a home, I offer any sellers that I work with the use of a trusted and reasonable handyman, and a list of reliable workmen in every field, from electrical to minor hardwood repair. Then I make sure that the jobs are done properly and quickly.
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