The Coldwell Banker offices are already four weeks into our Building Hope for Humanity fundraiser and have raised more than $15,000 for Habitat for Humanity!
But our work isn’t done yet; we still have four weeks left in our fundraiser to raise money so we can build hope for humanity in 2010!
Today we added more to the fund by preparing and serving a full breakfast to our Cupertino office. Lots of work...but lots of money raised, too.
We are also selling and purchasing raffle tickets, sponsoring an auction, and holding a tea party in November.
Our Coldwell Banker Blitz Build Week is almost here! Starting September 21, Coldwell Banker Managers, Agents, staff and executives from throughout our Northern California family will be participating in Habitat for Humanity builds throughout the 15 counties where we work. Together, we are truly making a difference for our neighbors, building stronger, more sustainable communities.
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