Now, more than ever, I'm reminded of how much real estate is about location, location, location. Things are far better here in the Bay Area than nationally. The overall market is much more stable than elsewhere in the country, and in some ares, it’s fairly robust. We continue to have multiple offers in all our offices. Not every property certainly, and not all multiple offers are well over the asking price. But there is a strong indication of Bay Area buyer demand that most of the nation is not experiencing today. We hear different variations on a common theme from our local Coldwell Banker offices: “It seems I get one of two results; either a few multiple offers within first 7 to 10 days, or I’m getting a price reduction 30 days later.” Thoughtful and strategic pricing, combined with staging interior and exterior of property are key elements to having the best chance at multiple offers....no surprise there.
The momentum seems to be slowing a bit in Cupertino. The best properties are still getting lots of attention, but there is less of a sense of urgency for the majority of the market as inventory continues to increase. The market is doing particularly well in the good school districts and in single-family homes, while condo sales remain slow.
We are continuing to see a high influx of buyers coming from the Pacific Rim with large down payments looking for good schools. There is still a lack of good inventory for buyers, especially in the entry-level markets. Palo Alto remains an extremely strong market with multiple offers in excess of 10% to 20% over list price, in many cases.
The bottom line... when a well-priced, beautifully stage listing comes on the market, it can probably expect multiple offers.
I have never seen better than this site.
Pleasant Post. This transmit helped me in my college assignment. Thnaks Alot
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