When I returned from Michigan, I was contacted by two families transferring from out of state to Silicon Valley. The first referral was through a company I had worked with before. Their new CFO, his wife and son, were moving from the Midwest and needed a house rental. In a normal market, a 2500 square foot house in a good school district would be easy to find, especially for stable family willing to pay up to $5000 a month. After talking to a few reliable rental agents I know, I discovered that not only is the local rental market tight, a good rental house of that size is nearly nonexistent. With new jobs come new problems, and the search continues.
The second challenge is a small family from Colorado. The husband is already here, and has begun a high paying job. He is renting a condo in Santa Clara for $2500 a month, and their quandary is: Do they give up the large house they love...only 12 years old, in an excellent school district, with a large yard and valued at $400,000...and buy something here for more than double that price and with fewer amenities? Or does that family remain divided, and perhaps invest in a condo so that the husband can move out of the rental? I have my in-house lender working with them on qualification, but neither solution sounds perfect.
Ladylike Post. This transmit helped me in my university assignment. Thanks Alot
Ladylike? Not sure if that's a compliment or not. Anyway, thanks for the comment, and for reading the blog.
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