Results just came out from the “2007 Use of Technology Survey.” from the the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.
The result? REALTORS® said that nearly half -- 44 percent -- of their business originates from Internet. In 2003, the first year C.A.R. conducted the “Use of Technology Survey,” REALTORS® said that only 19 percent of their business originated from the Internet.
They are turning to high-tech instruments such as handheld Internet devices, e-mail, and Web sites to communicate with their clients. With 25 percent of REALTORS® using their handheld wireless Internet device “all the time,” 28 percent of respondents said they answered clients’ e-mails instantly and another 36 percent within 30 minutes to one hour.
Additional survey highlights include:
• 97 percent of REALTORS® have a high-speed Internet connection at home.
• 27 percent use a laptop or tablet computer in the field primarily to conduct listing presentations.
• 20 percent indicated that a new computer was their most important business upgrade in the last 12 months, followed by a hands-free phone at 19 percent and handheld Internet device at 13 percent.
• 87 percent find the Internet extremely or very important in the marketing and promotion of their business, up from 69 percent one year earlier.
• 9 percent of REALTORS® say they participate in online real estate forums or blogs.
It's nice to know that I'm in the forefront of all this technological use...people are still impressed that I write this blog... but because I live and work in the heart of Silicon Valley, my clients expect me to be up to date with every real estate related technological innovation.
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