A neighborhood association is a group of residents who volunteer their time to improve and enhance the area in which they live. Neighborhood associations help build a sense of community among neighbors, collectively address issues in the neighborhood, provide an effective communication link with government officials and other influential groups, and empower residents to work together to improve their neighborhood.
Check to see if there is an existing group in your area of Sunnyvale at the City's Site if you are interested in joining.
If you would like more information about starting an Association in your neighborhood, or just want to learn more about these groups and why they are important to your community, plan to attend the Fall Quarterly Meeting of the Sunnyvale Neighborhood Associations, being held at the Sunnyvale Senior Center on November 5th, at 7pm. For more information or to RSVP, you can call Nathan Pruitt at 408-730-7472, or email him at ntruitt@sunnyvale.ca.us
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