I had a call from someone in my "farm area" who is a longtime Sunnyvale homeowner, is now disabled and needs help for the most basic jobs. I was pleased to suggest his name for the Realtors' RSVP program.
This community outreach program, called REALTOR® Service Volunteer Program (RSVP), has provided senior citizens with a friendly visit and free assistance with household tasks during a designated week each year since 2001...this year, May 5-9. During RSVP Week, teams of Realtor volunteers and affiliates (professionals who provide industry-related services) will be at residences performing various cleaning and maintenance tasks.
The Realtors' community outreach program was launched in 2001. Last year alone, 450 volunteers provided free help around the house for 274 homeowners.
Seniors can request to have light bulbs replaced, house numbers installed, furnace filters changed, windows cleaned, mattresses turned or new smoke detector batteries installed. The volunteers also handle minor plumbing tasks, plant spring flowers or help with recycling. Homeowners or renters who are advanced in years, disabled or otherwise challenged and live in SILVAR-covered cities and towns can inquire about the upcoming program by calling (408) 200-0100 or clicking RSVP Application.
The deadline for application has been extended, and there is still time to apply.
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