The Sunnyvale battle between two environmentalist neighbors is over, with the losers being two healthy redwood trees. The couple was criminally prosecuted because their backyard trees, planted before their neighbor installed an elaborate solar system, cast a shadow over those solar panels. After spending more than $37,000 in legal fees, they can’t afford to appeal the ruling to remove the trees.
The sad thing is the timing. Senator Joe Simitian is introducing a bill to change the state law. If it passes, trees planted before a neighbor installs solar panels will be allowed to remain, even if they continue to grow and cast a shadow over those panels. If trees are planted after the solar panels are installed, they must be removed if their shadow eventually impedes the use of the panels.
Perhaps this is still a win-win situation. Only two of the eight redwoods have to come down. In December, the judge ruled that six could remain.
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